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MEDIAS (MEDiteranean International Acoustic Survey) project aims to join and harmonize the ongoing acoustic surveys in the Mediterranean: Gulf of Lion (IFREMER), Iberian Coast (IEO), Sicilian Channel (CNR-IAS and MSDEC-DFA), Adriatic Sea (CNR-IRBIM, IOF and FRIS), and Aegean and eastern Ionian Sea (HCMR).

MEDIAS (together with MEDITS) is now listed as a DCF mandatory survey. According to STECF/SGRN, the survey should give information for management decisions and provide input to assessment for stocks which are managed internationally. Under the EU Fisheries Data Collection Framework (Regulation EU 2017/1004), the Pan-Mediterranean International Acoustic Survey (MEDIAS) is conducted annually by EU Mediterranean Member States. The MEDIAS echo-survey on small pelagic fish targets anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and it covers several areas in the Mediterranean EU Member States (Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia and Greece) with a standardized methodology.
The aim is to gain knowledge of biomass levels and spatial distribution of small pelagic fishes (see GFCM-SAC, 2010a).